Magnificent news from the Deying Danger Records Headquarter. Today finally impact here with full force, the 15th strike from the D.D.R. Tapes Series! It´s HARMONY DIES with their 4th album „Indecent Paths Of A Ramifying Darkness“. The tape version included extra special bonus for all collectors. The long time -out of print- debut album „Slaughtered“, […]
Archive for April, 2016
NECROMORPH Under The Flag CD D.D.R. 016 coming soon
Posted: 13th April 2016 by Jens in Bandnews, Labelnews, Music(k)Tags: Berlin, Blastdivision, Grindcore, Nasum, Rotten Sound, Underground
The Blastdivision NECRO is ready for the next assault and will release their new album „Under the Flag“ on May the 5th through Defying Danger Records! Fans of NASUM, ROTTEN SOUND or ENABLER will love it! Sneak into the Tracklist right now and have a small sample of the Album later on, with the brandnew […]