Death Praising Tunes from Germany! ARROGANZ create in the 40 minutes on Primitiv-Tape a perfect way of darkness,to exhale their new, own infernal visions of blackenend death metal. The somber trio allowing black metal to seep into and corrupt their powerful death metal base, they have created with „Primitiv“ an album of extreme depth & […]
Archive for Oktober, 2017
ARROGANZ Primitiv-Tape Series D.D.R. 023 OUT NOW
Posted: 27th Oktober 2017 by Jens in Allgemein, Bandnews, LabelnewsTags: Black Metal, Cottbus, Death Metal, death prasing tunes, Handnumbered, Limited Tape, Tapeseries
Posted: 20th Oktober 2017 by Jens in Allgemein, Bandnews, LabelnewsTags: Adrenaline, Death Metal, East German, Live, Metal, Underground
The people there already mentioned it and now it is official. Our friends from DISREPUTE have finally a new drummer. Lutz from mighty PURGATORY is now a part of DISREPUTE . We say welcome to the real fucking madness in the Defying Danger Records family!
D.D.R Labelnight @Festung Bitterfeld
Posted: 16th Oktober 2017 by Jens in Bandnews, LivefrontTags: Death Metal, deathrash, death´n roll, Grindcore, Labelnight, Live, sound from the underground
We want to say thanks to all, who have participated at our first Defying Danger Records Labelnight! Above all an high salute to our bands INFEST, SLEDGEHAMMER NOSEJOB, NECROMORPH & DISREPUTE as well as the Festung Bitterfeld, which made this possible. All does a great job for this excelent Party! So we looking forward for […]