Posts Tagged ‘Doom Death’

Anyone who likes impressive Death Metal with a certain unique selling point can now also look to Turkey. ABOLISH come from Ankara and released their debut record with “…From The Depths“ without any big preludes like demos or EPs. The four boys, with their vocal artist Lucy Ferra from INHUMAN DEPRAVITY, blast 44 minutes of […]

We’re really glad that three new songs plus a ACHERON coverversion „Ave Satanas“ are ready to be on tape. Almost 20 minutes of creepy and dark Death Metal in the same style as „Nightmare Vortex“, the latest album, promised. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Jörg Uken at Soundlodge Studio. Artwork by the Swedish artist Jan […]

For the first month we have a special sale every record and the MORFIN tape is 10% off ! Im ersten Monat gibt es 10% Rabatt auf alle Tonträger (außer auf Sonderangebote) und das MORFIN Tape! check it out here!

Hallo Leute, so, pünktlich zum Startschuss unseres neuen, kleinen Labels werden wir auch wieder, wie in guten alten Tagen, ausser Haus verkaufen. Erste Gelegenheit unseren Defying Danger Stand anzutesten, gibt es schon am kommenden Wochenende – see you there!!! Komzerte findet ihr unter D.D.R. auf Tour